Black Boy is an autobiography written by an African American boy during the early 1900's. Though the plot takes place in geto cities of America, he moves around from city to city, it is hard to relate to such a vast culture difference. The opening scene in the book is him when he was about five playing with matches. Being a 5 year old his curiosity gets to him when he holds the match up to the curtain. At the age of five his first thought is not to going yelling to his mom but to run away cause he knows he was going to get beaten. I was amazing to see how different him and my five year old sister are. If she lit are house on fire she would not run away but in stead she run right into the arms of my mom. Once the fire has burnt the house down everyone in the family is safe but the son, who caused the fire, is missing. At this moment my mom would be a wreck in fear she just lost her youngest child. In stead the mom storms around until she finds him and beats him literally half to death! The next week he had to spend in the hospital. Even if Kate, my five year old sister, would have started the fire my mom would have been so grateful to see her the last thing on her mind would be to sculled her.
Because he moves from town to town he finds himself meeting new people very often. When he comes to spent time with his uncle in Detroit he finds himself in unfamiliar territory. He first step he takes into school he feels the tension, but he has felt this many times before. He has been held back many times so he is one of the biggest kids in his grade. In order to establish himself into the new school he decides to start a fight. If I were a new kid in a school the last thing the would cross my mind would be getting into a fight. He easily wins the fight and oddly enough his tatic works and he becomes excepted into the new school.
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