Thursday, November 12, 2009

"The American Scholar"

Emerson’s argument in “The American Scholar” about the American society still holds true today. One reason Emerson’s argument still holds true today is the idea that American’s are still taught to specialize in one section of research or one type of career. Just last week my counselor came into my class and talked about the 6 career pathways. He went on to talk about how we need to choose a pathway quickly so we could schedule the classes that fit into that pathway. From an early age we are told to pick a career and stay with it. This is the exact idea that Emerson argues in his book “The American Scholar.”

People play their roll in life like a football player plays his roll on the field. Yes this works but when a quarterback can only throw and the lineman can only block your teams going to be half way decent. If you want to be a great team you need to have Tim Tebow as your quarter back, in other words someone who is strong fast and can run well too. People need to break the habits of zeroing in on one topic or specialty. We need to open up and look out for others just as much as we look out for ourselves.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

The Perfect Milkshake

Scoop it in
Using an ice cream scooper scoop the wanted amount of ice cream into pitcher. Remember that the pitcher is still in the motor or main base. If you want to make small milkshakes then you add 3 scoops of ice cream for every person that wants one. For a large milkshake scoop in 4 scoops of ice cream for every person that wants one.

Add some Flav’
Like the milk measure the amount of chocolate syrup before you put it in, measure in tablespoons. For a small milkshake add 2 tablespoons of chocolate for every person that wants one. For a large add around 3 1/2 tablespoons for every person that wants one.

Poor it in
Always measure the milk before pouring it in, a measuring cup would probably is the best. For a small milkshake pour in just 1/4 of a cup for everyone that wants one. For a large milkshake pour in 2/3 cups of milk for everyone that wants one.

Mix it All Together
Blending is tricky you have to do it perfect, because it’s different every time I can’t tell how long to blend. When blending always keep one hand on top of the blender and the other on the switch. Begin by just turning on the blender for just 2 or 3 seconds, once done tack off the top and push the ice cream done near the blades with a spoon. When doing this part of the step make sure the blender is off. Next put the top back on and blend for 5 to 6 seconds this time rock the blender back and forth. Turn the blender off, take of the top off again and take a spoonful of the milkshake and taste it if you like it you can move on. If it is too watery the milkshake is rowan. If it is to thick still keep blending in intervals of 2 to 3 seconds until you like the texture, then you can proceed.

Out it comes
Pouring seems simple but if you do it wrong you can spill the milkshake everywhere. Take the pitcher of the motor or main base; tilt the pitcher a little bit more the 45 degrees above a cup. Using a large spoon genially guide the milkshake out into the cup. Do not rush.

Fix it up
If you have any milkshake on the outside of the cup wipe if off using a dishtowel. You don’t have to do this step but I always do. Shake that whipped cream bottle before using turn at a 90 degree angle and push very top add as much as you like. Twirl it up so it looks an up-side-down cone. Drizzle a little chocolate syrup over the whipped cream and enjoy.

Clean it up
Cleaning may seem hard but it is easy. You put back the main base where you found it. Pour water into the pitcher a couple of times to get most of the extra milkshake out. Then take it apart, turn the pitcher upside down and start with black base. The pitcher, the black base, the blade and plastic washer, the large spoon, and the cup or cups you used can all go in the washer. Then all you have to do is wipe down the area you use with a wet rag.

More Chocolate
Adding chocolate chips doesn’t have to be precise like adding milk or chocolate syrup. I usually put in half a hand full for every small milk shake I am making and a handful for every large milkshake I am making.