Did I ever tell you about the time I got my concussion...?
I'd always had a heart for soccer. I loved to play it and I love the challenge I got going up against bigger kids then me. My coach always told me to, "Play with NO fear!" So that's what I did. In order to stand out when playing a team sport like soccer you have to have something no one else has. But for me I was the opposite, I had no fear, and that's what made me good.
It was the second or fourth game in the spring season and we were playing the Plymouth Rain. We had won our last division so the last few games were pretty tough. But their was something about this team that made them look unstoppable. They had speed skill and plenty of size. They out matched our team in ever categorie. Ike the Trojans in 300 we were not scared, we took the field with confidence and straight faces.
As the game moved on the fouls got harder and game more intense. Sean ripped a shot but the goalie saved it with ease. The ball fell off the goalies foot and soared past midfield. With out thinking a sprung into the air. The next parts a little blurry I remember kneeling on the ground one hand on the ground the other clutching my head and blood dripping down my face. I must have looked like a drunk stumbling out of a bar. As soon as I hit the sideline my dinner came up and my coach knew what had happened.
30 minutes later I sat on doctors bench that was as soft as a cloud. I can’t remember his name but I wish I could, he was my savoir. Within ten minutes he had eased the pain from my head. But unfortunately my night wasn’t over. I had to get a cats. scan and wait for the results to come back. While waiting a had o good hour conversation wit a stranger I felt I knew my whole life. They had found a tumor in his torso and he was waiting for the results to see if it was cancerous. We covered every topic from school to religion and back again.
My results came back first so I was unable to find out what happen to him. I went home and could only think of the man I knew as sir and what will become of him. Its amazing how something like a concussion can change your life in such a way.
Once again nice work!