Hiding your poverty in the sight of the Olympics is wrong.
Hiding the worse side of you city will not help the community in the long run. It is only a temporary fix. After the other nations go home and all the medals are passed out whats supposed to happen next? They pick up right where they left off. Vancover is one of the first nations not to hind that they have problems. Just like every major cities they have drugs and gangs but unjlike China they are using this oprotunity to help their city. They have already turned an abandoned building into 600 low income housing for the poor.
Hiding your faults will not get you anywhere. If a teacher invites the princilple down to her class room but then sends out all the bad kids while he is their it will look like she is a wonderful teaacher. If she keeps the kid the principle may not see her as an amazing teacher but atleast then he can give her advice on how to stregthen her teaching abilities. Vancover sacraficing their image in order the strengthen the city which is what i believe should always be put first. Vancourvers pitch to the Olympic pitch included four pages that in cluded the idea we will do wants best for the city, and that is exactly what they are doing.
Good point, Canada is making the right decision, in sacrificing their image to help their country.
ReplyDeleteI agree that hiding your poverty is wrong. They should just face the fact that its going on in their country and fix it.