Tuesday, December 1, 2009
Frances role in Rwandan Genocide
During the Rwandan debate in Mr. Fielder’s 6th hour class I had the chance of defending France. Few people know the details about the Rwandan genocide and at first some my think France was just an innocent by stander of situation. In the past week I have studied and learned how attached France was to Rwanda and also how big of role they played in the genocide.
Frances connection to Rwanda dates back to 1975 (way before the genocide even started) when France signed a military agreement with the president Juvenal Hayarimana. In just a few years President Hayarimana developed a personal bond with France. He made many trips to France to see Francois Mitterrand, a Socialist leader of France. Due to the military agreement France started to help teach and strengthen the Rwandan army. They claimed they were just their in order to support and stabilize Rwanda, others accuse them of using this engagement with Rwanda as a way of keeping there name and language a world power.
When President Hayarimana’s plane was shot down, by the way the plane was bought by France and given to Hayarimana as a gift, France took action. They immediately sent in private investigators to find out who shot down the plane. At this time though the killings had started and the Hutus were killing all Tutsis in their sight. Even some Rwanda soldier’s were blamed in the killing of innocent Tutsis. When France found out about the mass killings they stopped all support to the Rwandan Armed Forces.
Many would think they would switched sides and defended the innocent Tutsis, but that was not the case. They helped for only a couple weeks but after witnessing the death of 10 UN soldier and once they got all there men and French natives out they left. They thought that then 10 lives was worth the 800,000 Tutsis killed. This is only one nation intertwined in the Rwandan genocide there are many other nations and political parties that refused to help.
The worse part about the genocide is that it went unnoticed. America refused to even recognize is horrible occurrence and the UN didn’t call it a genocide because if they did they would have to encounter into the war. 800,000 innocent people died and it went unnoticed even to this day you can ask your parents or grand parents about it and they wont know what your talking about. In this past month searching and learning about the Rwandan genocide has really opened my eyes.
P.S.-If anyone would like to learn more about the genocide I would highly recommend the movie Hotel Rwanda.
Thursday, November 12, 2009
"The American Scholar"
Emerson’s argument in “The American Scholar” about the American society still holds true today. One reason Emerson’s argument still holds true today is the idea that American’s are still taught to specialize in one section of research or one type of career. Just last week my counselor came into my class and talked about the 6 career pathways. He went on to talk about how we need to choose a pathway quickly so we could schedule the classes that fit into that pathway. From an early age we are told to pick a career and stay with it. This is the exact idea that Emerson argues in his book “The American Scholar.”
People play their roll in life like a football player plays his roll on the field. Yes this works but when a quarterback can only throw and the lineman can only block your teams going to be half way decent. If you want to be a great team you need to have Tim Tebow as your quarter back, in other words someone who is strong fast and can run well too. People need to break the habits of zeroing in on one topic or specialty. We need to open up and look out for others just as much as we look out for ourselves.
Thursday, November 5, 2009
The Perfect Milkshake
Using an ice cream scooper scoop the wanted amount of ice cream into pitcher. Remember that the pitcher is still in the motor or main base. If you want to make small milkshakes then you add 3 scoops of ice cream for every person that wants one. For a large milkshake scoop in 4 scoops of ice cream for every person that wants one.
Add some Flav’
Like the milk measure the amount of chocolate syrup before you put it in, measure in tablespoons. For a small milkshake add 2 tablespoons of chocolate for every person that wants one. For a large add around 3 1/2 tablespoons for every person that wants one.
Poor it in
Always measure the milk before pouring it in, a measuring cup would probably is the best. For a small milkshake pour in just 1/4 of a cup for everyone that wants one. For a large milkshake pour in 2/3 cups of milk for everyone that wants one.
Mix it All Together
Blending is tricky you have to do it perfect, because it’s different every time I can’t tell how long to blend. When blending always keep one hand on top of the blender and the other on the switch. Begin by just turning on the blender for just 2 or 3 seconds, once done tack off the top and push the ice cream done near the blades with a spoon. When doing this part of the step make sure the blender is off. Next put the top back on and blend for 5 to 6 seconds this time rock the blender back and forth. Turn the blender off, take of the top off again and take a spoonful of the milkshake and taste it if you like it you can move on. If it is too watery the milkshake is rowan. If it is to thick still keep blending in intervals of 2 to 3 seconds until you like the texture, then you can proceed.
Out it comes
Pouring seems simple but if you do it wrong you can spill the milkshake everywhere. Take the pitcher of the motor or main base; tilt the pitcher a little bit more the 45 degrees above a cup. Using a large spoon genially guide the milkshake out into the cup. Do not rush.
Fix it up
If you have any milkshake on the outside of the cup wipe if off using a dishtowel. You don’t have to do this step but I always do. Shake that whipped cream bottle before using turn at a 90 degree angle and push very top add as much as you like. Twirl it up so it looks an up-side-down cone. Drizzle a little chocolate syrup over the whipped cream and enjoy.
Clean it up
Cleaning may seem hard but it is easy. You put back the main base where you found it. Pour water into the pitcher a couple of times to get most of the extra milkshake out. Then take it apart, turn the pitcher upside down and start with black base. The pitcher, the black base, the blade and plastic washer, the large spoon, and the cup or cups you used can all go in the washer. Then all you have to do is wipe down the area you use with a wet rag.
More Chocolate
Adding chocolate chips doesn’t have to be precise like adding milk or chocolate syrup. I usually put in half a hand full for every small milk shake I am making and a handful for every large milkshake I am making.
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Breast Cancer Walk- Bell Isle
When I realized senate would be doing a breast cancer walk in Detroit I pictured myself walking with just a few hundred other people around abandoned buildings and looking over my shoulder every few minutes. I had never been to Bell Isle but with the reputation Detroit has I didn’t expect much.
On October 10th, bright’n early at 7 o’clock, we met at Stevenson to go over what the plan was. With in a half an hour the game plan was set and we were on our way. The drive to Detroit was pretty normal, the abandoned buildings to look at and the occasional hobo, it felt like going to any other tigers games or lions game. Hyped up with energy and proudly wearing the title “Spartans For Rozman” on our backs we were ready.
The first time I realized this wasn’t going to be any ordinary trip to Detroit was when I saw the dozens and dozens of school buses with pink ribbons transporting people to and from Bell Isle. At the bus stop was when we met the first lady who like us was full of energy. Armed with a megaphone she was pumping everyone up and in some cases waking some people up.
When we arrived on Bell Isle it was truly amazing. The atmosphere made it seem like you were in a different planet, not to mention all the pink. We were immediately noticed thanks to our enthusiasm and matching shirts. Next thing I knew we were being interviewed on channel 2, and my mom calling me to tell me (even though it was pretty obvious the camera was right in front of my face).
We stayed at the start for a while and prepared our self for the 5-mile walk a head of us. After a brief bathroom break and more then enough head counts we were on our way. Walking around bell Isle you would of never guess you were in Detroit. The atmosphere was great nd this was made even better with the help of the beautiful scenery.
I would love to say we successfully walked the entire 5-miles, but throughout most of it we caught ourselves speed walking, skipping, jogging, singing, and even at one point running. To some we were probable annoying but to others we represented all the kids who care about the community and are willing to show it. This experience exceeded all expectations and I am planning to go next year.
Friday, October 9, 2009
Invisible Children
The LRA is known for their use of abducting children at night then turning them into child soldiers, because of this, the country of Uganda has had to displace 100,000’s of people and many have lost their lives. The worse part is this has been going unnoticed for 23-years.
Leading the rebel group is a man by the name of Joseph Cony. He is arguable the most feared man in Uganda. He is responsible for thousands of deaths and over 25,000 child abductions. In the past few years the Invisible Children organization has worked hard to get other nations to recognize this problem and stop Joseph Kony.
Invisible Children was started by three young man who decided to take a trip to Uganda, what they didn’t know is that they would discover a 23-year old war. All three loved to make movies, so to them the best way to get this problem noticed is to make a film about what’s going on. After making one video they couldn’t stop they made more and influenced even more. Be for they knew it they had uncovered one of the longest running wars.
In just the past 5 year’s Invisible Children were able to stop the night commutes, get the attention of the United States government along with other influential countries, and also start peace talk between the Ugandan government and the LRA. During night commutes children would get up and walk miles and miles to the nearest hospital or bus park just to sleep in safety, only to get up the next morning and start to walk again. The worse part is they do it every night.
Unfortunalty Joseph Kony turned down the last two peace agreements and is still kid napping children. Invisible Children organization need all the help they can get. From donating a couple of dollars to going to Uganda and just talking to the kids. If you want to know how to get involved go to the Invisible Children web site and see what else you can do to help bring the invisible children home.
Thursday, October 8, 2009
Contact in Soccer
Semi finals of the 2008 Euro Cup finals, Germany vs. Turkey. With a few minutes to go in the half Turkey’s Ayhan Akman jumps backwards in order to head the ball that just sailed over him. Behind Akman stands Germanys Simon Rolfe who simultaneously jumps forward to clear the ball. In a split second their heads collide. They both fall on the ground screaming in pain. At first sight you may believe its just soccer players being dramatic but that was not the case this time.
Nether one is subbed out, instead they are helped to the side line where Ayhan Akman receives two staples in the back of his head to stop the bleeding while Simon Rolfes left eye brow is stitched up. Both were able to return and finish the game.
Some may ask why didn’t they just get subbed out then once everything was fixed get subbed back in? During national play once a player is subbed out he may not go back in. Also if you are off the field for more then 2 minutes you are forced to use a sub. This makes players fight threw the pain and forces medical teams to work fast to get the player back on the field.
Through just personal experience playing soccer I have endured two concussions, cracked toenails, broken toes, and a countless number of cuts and twisted ankles. Every soccer player will tell you there is more contact in soccer then meets the eye. Most just blow this off, as an excuse for soccer players to take dives but this is true. Some teams will do cheep things like step on your toes if your in the wall of elbow you in the ribs. Most of this is invisible to the fans and also the refs.
For anyone who has called soccer a “girl sport” I would love to see them match up against a 6ft 7in Peter Crouch or a 220 lbs Marcus Hahnemann. I will admit that there is more contact in football then there is in soccer, but cut soccer a break when there’s a foul called every 5 minutes there’s got to be at least some contact.
Thursday, October 1, 2009
Im Not in Middle School Anymore
I wander the halls of Stevenson High School looking for my 3rd hour. I think back to my sistes’ freshman year. She had her whole schedule color-coded. “What a nerd.” I laugh to myself thinking I would never do such a thing. I notice what a step it is from middle school to high school. Of course the school itself is much bigger, including the students in it. Not to mention the hallways are compact which makes navigating a struggle. Still on my quest, I find myself all turned around in E hall. I start to panic when I gaze at the clock and realize I only have 2 more minutes to find M hall.
I finally get the guts to ask the closest teacher if they can point me in the right direction of M hall. “Where’s M hall” I nervously spit out. I feel relieved that now with a teachers help I’ll be there in no time, but she doesn’t seem to know where it is either. My heart sank as once again I realize I’m on my own.
After tripping over a pair of size 14 shoes I stumble out of E hall and fine myself looking at a sign that states “M hall” with an arrow pointing to the left. By now I am late, the bell had just rung and I am still a good 100 yards away. I spot my friend coming down the same hall (his afro is hard to miss), simultaneously we ask each other, “You going to M hall?” then smile.
We walk into the classroom together all of a sudden all the heads in the room turned and look at us. The teacher only had two words to say, “Wow Stromberg.” In dead silence and with all eyes on us we try to find a seat but then notice they are all occupied. Everyone still silent and watching our every move we try to be quiet but quick and grab a chair from the near by stack. I felt like an ant being watched by a kid with a magnifying glass scared and jittery. With all the pressure on me I can’t seem to get my hands to work and drop the chair, the whole class breaks out in laughter except the teacher who shoots me a ice cold stare.
After what seemed like the longest minute of my life I get a moment to relax thinking that all the stress and humiliation of 3rd hour would be over soon. With 25 minutes left in the hour the teacher announces that we will be having a review test of last year materiel. Just the thought of a test makes me sink down into my chair. “It’s the first day, I bet this will be a breeze.” I say to my friend. What I found was a 60-question test finished off with a scantron. Every question was a struggle I never thought the stress of school would hit so fast.
Fortunately for me I learned a valuable lesson on my first day of school, always be prepared. At the end of the day I looked back thinking to myself maybe my sister wasn’t such a nerd. What if I had mapped out my classes? I also have to prepare for a tough year I’m going to be pushed academically and I have to be ready for it, ready to act confidently and with poise as I stumble and recover.
Thursday, September 24, 2009
The Alphabet and Me
B- Benjamin Robert Stromberg... Benjamin is my full name but most people know me as just Ben. I was born 9/24/94 and was named after Benjamin in the bible. Also my older brother his middle name is Joseph and Benjamin was the younger brother of Joseph.
C- Cass, crunch wrap supreme... Cass Elementary School was my home away from home between 3rd grade and 5th grade. I made some of my first real friends there and also have great memories play football every recess. Every time I step up to the counter at Taco Bell I immediately say "Crunch wrap supreme no tomatoes or sour cream." This is one of my favorite meals.
D- Dogs... Who cant love dogs they are great pets and are always their to cuddle with. My family has always had dogs; I couldn't imagine life with out a dog.
E- Energetic... when describing me you have to use the word energetic. I love to be around people and talk and I seem to never run out of steam. I go from school to homework to soccer to more homework to texting friends with out missing a beat the whole day.
F- Football... Besides soccer, football is my favorite sport to not only watch but play. I love the intensity of football and how on every play there could be touchdown. Every Saturday morning I make sure I get up extra early to watch collage game day, then head over to the Big house to watch the Michigan game with my brother or dad.
G- Grandchild... I have a grandma on my dads side of the family and a grandpa on my moms side of the family. My grandma’s name is Marlin but when we were young we gave her the nickname of Malya and it stuck. My grandpa is rough around the edges (may be due to the fact he’s a marine) but I love him anyways.
H- Holmes... Holmes Middle School is the one place I will always be welcomed and feel at home. With teachers like Mr. Keberly and Mrs. Henry it's no wonder I enjoyed Homes so much my 7th and 8th grade year.
I- Independence Day... Independence day is just one of my many favorite movies. I remember watching it for the first time with my family and hiding under the blanket when you first see the aliens. Of course I wasn’t able to sleep for the next week.
J- Jerky... When driving any long distance I cannot start a trip with out beef jerky. I always thought is was nasty until my friends, Ben Beamen, who is a huge hunter convinced me to try some.
K- Kaream Amr... You that one kid in elementary school you are best friends with, for me that was Kaream. We were on the same soccer team we liked the same things we hung out at least twice a week. Unfortunately he moved in 4th grade and I have never seen him since.
L- Lucky Charms... There’s only one way to describe them, their magically delicious. I can't get p in the morning with out my daily helping of Lucky Charms and chocolate milk.
M- Max and Erma's... when the though of home made cookies and big juicy burgers enters my head there is only one place to go, Max and Erma's. I would not to able to count how many birthday parties and other celebrations we have had there. This restaurant with out a doubt is my favorite place to eat.
N- New England Patriots... With 3 recent super bowls and Tom Brady as their starting QB how can you not love the New England Patriots. New England is my favorite team not only because they are lead by a former Michigan grad but also because my home team (Detroit Lions) hardly ever win.
O- Optimistic... When I was young I used to be a goalie for soccer. One game I let in 4 goals but was overly excited about the 5 or 6 I did stop. I will always be able to take a negative and find a positive, no matter the situation.
P- Peoples person... I love to talk. You could sit me next to a brick wall and I would stay busy for an hour. I am very good at making fiends and talking to people I may not talk to a lot.
Q- Quick... To begin with I’m not to tall or built, so when you see me playing basketball or soccer you could describe me as quick. I don't look fast cause my strides aren’t nearly as long as other players but I am quick to accelerate and quick to the ball.
R- Rebuilding the Wall... Over the summer I took a week off from my friends and left for Indianapolis for a church mission trip. We worked with an organization called Rebuilding the Wall. We helped rebuild a run down neighbor hood but in the processes we met some pretty amazing people who told us unbelievable stories about how they changed their life. This week was the most moving week I had ever experienced and I will never forget it.
S- Soccer, Stevenson... I have been playing soccer ever since I was little. I love fast paced tempo of soccer and that the ball is always moving. I know play for my high school, Stevenson. This is my first year at Stevenson and so far I can already tell I will enjoy my 4 years their.
T- Tate Forcier... As I mentioned earlier I love to watch collage football and out of all collage players Tate Forcier (QB for Michigan) is my favorite. Not only because he is the savoir of Michigan football but also because how versatile he is and also how poised he is on the field.
U- University of Michigan... I grew up all around U of M my whole life. All four walls in my room are decked out in maize and blue. My dad went to Michigan along with my entire aunt and all my uncles from my dads side. I guess you could say I bleed maize and blue.
V- Verizon... Without verizon I don't know what would happen. I would not be able to get the homework I forgot from my friends. Believe it or not having a cell phone ultimately helps me out in school.
W- Weis, Charlie... Charlie Wies is the Notre Dame head coach and someone I really don't like. Being a die heart Michigan fan I am very opinionated about what I think about Notre Dame. Just see Charlie walk along the Norte Dame side aggravates me, and yet I have no clue why.
X- Xylophone... How could I ever forget the one-hour of touchier I had to endure once a week in music class in the 2nd grade. We were learning how to play the xylophone and every id though it was he coolest thing to just play as loud as they could and as fast as they could. I then realized how grossly underpaid music teachers are.
Y- Yo-Yos... Every year there is that one thing you have to have, my 3rd grade year is was the yo-yo. You had to have one to be in the popular crowd that year. Every one was a master at it, they could walk the dog go around the world, and even make a cradle. Every time I see a kid playing with a yo-yo now it brings me back to 3rd grade.
Z- Zebra... Last spring brake my family and I took a trip and went down to Disney world. Just one of the many activities we did was go on a "safari" in animal kingdom. We saw many animals but the ones I liked the most were easily the zebras.
Sunday, September 20, 2009
One Giant Step (My First Week of HIgh School)
I am proud to announce a have made it through the first week of high school. I was able to turn in all my homework on time, find all my classes (most of the time), and dodge swirllies from the seniors. One of my favorite changes from middle school to high school is how much more involved you can get with your school and with sports groups. I also enjoy the freedom of high school such as the school store. One thing I truly miss at the middle school level are the friendly teachers.
Being involved in student senate and playing J.V. soccer has kept my schedule busy. Thanks to senate I feel more involved with what’s going and how things work. I realize how much work goes into simple things suck as schedule pick up, also how big of a pain high maintenance parents can be. Through soccer I have met a group of people I can rely on and trust. This has helped me when I have no clue what the math homework is.
There are certain drawbacks in the transition from middle school to high school, one being the relationship with teachers. I missed walking down the halls of Holmes and having our daily conversations with P-Rat (Mr. Rathburn). Or trash talking with Mrs. Moody before the Michigan, Michigan State game each year.
I didn’t know what to expect walking into Stevenson the first day, but I came away happy, with a sense of accomplishment. If I had to describe my first week of school in one word I don’t think one word would be able to cover it all, eventful would certainly come close though.