A- Athletic... Ever since I was a little kid I loved sports. I loved watching them, playing them, and every studying them. My love for sports has leaded me to become a very athletic person. I play soccer for Stevenson High School but have play basketball, ran track, swam when I was little, and even played a little golf.
B- Benjamin Robert Stromberg... Benjamin is my full name but most people know me as just Ben. I was born 9/24/94 and was named after Benjamin in the bible. Also my older brother his middle name is Joseph and Benjamin was the younger brother of Joseph.
C- Cass, crunch wrap supreme... Cass Elementary School was my home away from home between 3rd grade and 5th grade. I made some of my first real friends there and also have great memories play football every recess. Every time I step up to the counter at Taco Bell I immediately say "Crunch wrap supreme no tomatoes or sour cream." This is one of my favorite meals.
D- Dogs... Who cant love dogs they are great pets and are always their to cuddle with. My family has always had dogs; I couldn't imagine life with out a dog.
E- Energetic... when describing me you have to use the word energetic. I love to be around people and talk and I seem to never run out of steam. I go from school to homework to soccer to more homework to texting friends with out missing a beat the whole day.
F- Football... Besides soccer, football is my favorite sport to not only watch but play. I love the intensity of football and how on every play there could be touchdown. Every Saturday morning I make sure I get up extra early to watch collage game day, then head over to the Big house to watch the Michigan game with my brother or dad.
G- Grandchild... I have a grandma on my dads side of the family and a grandpa on my moms side of the family. My grandma’s name is Marlin but when we were young we gave her the nickname of Malya and it stuck. My grandpa is rough around the edges (may be due to the fact he’s a marine) but I love him anyways.
H- Holmes... Holmes Middle School is the one place I will always be welcomed and feel at home. With teachers like Mr. Keberly and Mrs. Henry it's no wonder I enjoyed Homes so much my 7th and 8th grade year.
I- Independence Day... Independence day is just one of my many favorite movies. I remember watching it for the first time with my family and hiding under the blanket when you first see the aliens. Of course I wasn’t able to sleep for the next week.
J- Jerky... When driving any long distance I cannot start a trip with out beef jerky. I always thought is was nasty until my friends, Ben Beamen, who is a huge hunter convinced me to try some.
K- Kaream Amr... You that one kid in elementary school you are best friends with, for me that was Kaream. We were on the same soccer team we liked the same things we hung out at least twice a week. Unfortunately he moved in 4th grade and I have never seen him since.
L- Lucky Charms... There’s only one way to describe them, their magically delicious. I can't get p in the morning with out my daily helping of Lucky Charms and chocolate milk.
M- Max and Erma's... when the though of home made cookies and big juicy burgers enters my head there is only one place to go, Max and Erma's. I would not to able to count how many birthday parties and other celebrations we have had there. This restaurant with out a doubt is my favorite place to eat.
N- New England Patriots... With 3 recent super bowls and Tom Brady as their starting QB how can you not love the New England Patriots. New England is my favorite team not only because they are lead by a former Michigan grad but also because my home team (Detroit Lions) hardly ever win.
O- Optimistic... When I was young I used to be a goalie for soccer. One game I let in 4 goals but was overly excited about the 5 or 6 I did stop. I will always be able to take a negative and find a positive, no matter the situation.
P- Peoples person... I love to talk. You could sit me next to a brick wall and I would stay busy for an hour. I am very good at making fiends and talking to people I may not talk to a lot.
Q- Quick... To begin with I’m not to tall or built, so when you see me playing basketball or soccer you could describe me as quick. I don't look fast cause my strides aren’t nearly as long as other players but I am quick to accelerate and quick to the ball.
R- Rebuilding the Wall... Over the summer I took a week off from my friends and left for Indianapolis for a church mission trip. We worked with an organization called Rebuilding the Wall. We helped rebuild a run down neighbor hood but in the processes we met some pretty amazing people who told us unbelievable stories about how they changed their life. This week was the most moving week I had ever experienced and I will never forget it.
S- Soccer, Stevenson... I have been playing soccer ever since I was little. I love fast paced tempo of soccer and that the ball is always moving. I know play for my high school, Stevenson. This is my first year at Stevenson and so far I can already tell I will enjoy my 4 years their.
T- Tate Forcier... As I mentioned earlier I love to watch collage football and out of all collage players Tate Forcier (QB for Michigan) is my favorite. Not only because he is the savoir of Michigan football but also because how versatile he is and also how poised he is on the field.
U- University of Michigan... I grew up all around U of M my whole life. All four walls in my room are decked out in maize and blue. My dad went to Michigan along with my entire aunt and all my uncles from my dads side. I guess you could say I bleed maize and blue.
V- Verizon... Without verizon I don't know what would happen. I would not be able to get the homework I forgot from my friends. Believe it or not having a cell phone ultimately helps me out in school.
W- Weis, Charlie... Charlie Wies is the Notre Dame head coach and someone I really don't like. Being a die heart Michigan fan I am very opinionated about what I think about Notre Dame. Just see Charlie walk along the Norte Dame side aggravates me, and yet I have no clue why.
X- Xylophone... How could I ever forget the one-hour of touchier I had to endure once a week in music class in the 2nd grade. We were learning how to play the xylophone and every id though it was he coolest thing to just play as loud as they could and as fast as they could. I then realized how grossly underpaid music teachers are.
Y- Yo-Yos... Every year there is that one thing you have to have, my 3rd grade year is was the yo-yo. You had to have one to be in the popular crowd that year. Every one was a master at it, they could walk the dog go around the world, and even make a cradle. Every time I see a kid playing with a yo-yo now it brings me back to 3rd grade.
Z- Zebra... Last spring brake my family and I took a trip and went down to Disney world. Just one of the many activities we did was go on a "safari" in animal kingdom. We saw many animals but the ones I liked the most were easily the zebras.